Global Youth Innovation Leadership Incubator Program


The Global Youth Innovation Leadership Incubator (GYILI) program, established by the Franklin Education Foundation, brings together top scholars, industry experts, and leading organizations. It aims to empower young minds to use modern technologies like AI, GIS, and HAM Radio to solve critical global challenges in natural and human-made disaster scenarios.

Inspire Leadership

Encourage students to become proactive leaders in addressing global challenges.

Technological Innovation:

Foster innovative use of cutting-edge technologies like AI, GIS, and HAM Radio.

Interdisciplinary Solutions:

Create personalized projects addressing sustainability and environmental conservation.

Interdisciplinary Focus Areas

Environmental Science & Engineering:

Each course comprehensively covers essential topics, ensuring thorough preparation for each AP exam.

Biology & Ecology:

Each course comprehensively covers essential topics, ensuring thorough preparation for each AP exam.

Climate Science & Meteorology:

Each course comprehensively covers essential topics, ensuring thorough preparation for each AP exam.

Sustainable Development & Policy:

Each course comprehensively covers essential topics, ensuring thorough preparation for each AP exam.


Each course comprehensively covers essential topics, ensuring thorough preparation for each AP exam.

Additional fields:

Each course comprehensively covers essential topics, ensuring thorough preparation for each AP exam.

Learn about our program director, Xingba, a distinguished wildlife conservationist and explorer. A member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), he has spearheaded critical conservation projects in Africa and Asia. His innovative community-based conservation model helped transform pastoral lands into nature reserves, earning global recognition. With extensive research across 60 countries, he specializes in understanding animal behavior to reduce human-animal conflicts. His passion for conservation is showcased in documentaries like “Heart of a Lion” and “China National Parks: The King Returns.”

Meet Our Director

Program Guide

Wildlife Research & Conservation:

Study wildlife behavior and minimize human-wildlife conflict through strategic conservation practices.

Nature Reserve Management:

Optimize management practices for existing nature reserves, and establish sustainable frameworks for new reserves.

Community Development:

Promote community empowerment through eco-tourism, education, and gender equality.

Law & Policy:

Strengthen international conventions and national laws to protect biodiversity.

Other Interdisciplinary Projects:

Utilize biomedical research, clean energy, media outreach, and social science principles for effective conservation.

What our Students say their experience?

Hear directly from our students about their experiences with our programs and how these opportunities have positively influenced their academic journeys.

Tyler S.

Program Participant

“The Global Youth Innovation Leadership Incubator Program was a groundbreaking experience. It not only enhanced my leadership skills but also deepened my understanding of sustainable development through hands-on projects. The networking with global thinkers and leaders has immensely enriched my perspectives and career trajectory.”

Priya N.

Program Participant

“Being a part of this incubator program opened my eyes to the complexities of global issues and the innovative approaches to solving them. The project work, combined with expert mentorship from leaders in various fields, empowered me to initiate change effectively. This program was a crucial step in my journey towards becoming a global change-maker.”

Carlos R.

Program Participant

“This program was nothing short of inspiring. Learning about global sustainability and innovation directly from experts and applying this knowledge to real-world scenarios has been invaluable. The leadership skills and innovative thinking I developed here have prepared me for a future in creating meaningful global impacts.”

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